Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

5 Things Top Talent Are Telling Recruiters

I talk to top talent candidates and clients looking to hire those candidates every single day. It’s my mission to help you find leaders worth following and put them in place in those critical executive positions that are leading your company. 

In order for me to do that, I have to be able to listen. Yes, we have to listen to what our clients need, but ultimately, if you want to hire the best people for your job opening, then you have to start asking talent what it is they need, too.

Here’s what we are hearing time and time again from top talent. 

‘You’re not the only company pursuing me’

This is one of the things we hear often. We are working in a candidate-driven market, unlike anything we’ve seen before. It’s highly competitive out there, and you have to be willing to fight to secure the best talent on your staff.

Less Likely to Relocate for a Job

Candidates are telling us they often won’t consider a position if it asks for them to relocate. The past two years have taught top talent they can get their work done wherever they want. People aren’t willing to uproot their current lives, sell a house and take kids out of school in order to work somewhere new.

‘If you’re too slow to change, I’m not interested.’

Candidates are used to working at a quicker pace of change, and they’ve gotten used to it. If they sense a company is moving too slowly, then they are moving on to other opportunities. Candidates know the market they are working in, and they care about a strong employer brand. 

Culture Matters

Culture matters unlike anything before. Around the world, candidates are saying that a company’s culture and its values matter most to them. You need an employee culture that fosters creativity, invites new ideas, encourages individuality and promotes mental and physical wellness. 

‘I understand my value’

Candidates understand the value they bring to the marketplace. They understand the value they bring to your company. If you don’t recognize that value they offer, then they will be quick to walk out the door, and not afraid to call that bluff either.

Navigating this current job market on your own can be hard. Finding and putting leaders worth following at the top of your company can be difficult, too. But there’s no reason you have to do it on your own. Let us help you.