Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Gauging ‘Want It’ for Right-Fit Hires

When candidates really want the position, their attitude and energy show it.

Common exclamations: “This is my dream role!” “I’ve always wanted to work here!” “Our values match!” “I’ll be able to make a difference!”

Welcome to Blog 2 of a 3-part series on utilizing the right-fit People Analyzer™ tool featured in this Handler Report. Here we expand on question two, “Does the candidate Want It?”

Candidates who Want It respond quickly to recruitment outreach. They ask questions that focus on their ability to contribute. It’s a stark contrast to neutral candidates whose questions tend to be more self-serving than about adding value.

To validate a genuine Want It, seek to uncover underlying motivations by asking questions like: “Why do you want to leave your current role?” “What’s most interesting to you about this opportunity?” “Would you move for the same role with another company?”

Candidates who sincerely Want It have a spark for the whole opportunity – the role and the organization. If there’s no spark, move on. Because just like “Get It” in Blog 1, “Want It” is also pass or fail. There’s no middle ground in truly right-fit recruitment.

Care to hear Handler’s insights? Click here to listen to Managing Partner Eric Handler provide his perspective of the Want It piece of the People Analyzer™.