Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

How to Develop Your Leaders

74% of people feel they are not reaching their full potential at work according to a recent survey.

Developing your leaders and ensuring they have time to learn and grow is not only imperative, but something employees are asking for and not receiving.

Two men having a meeting on how to develop leaders

How do you make time for developing your leaders? Here are a few tips:

  1. Give them the time for it. When your leaders have a full task list in front of them each day, they don’t feel like they have the time to devote to learning. They may even feel it must be done outside of work. Give them the time to focus on it – whatever that looks like for you.
  2. Be involved in their development. Have the conversation and ask them what they want for their future. Create a plan together and ensure they have a mentor (you or someone else on your team). 
  3. Provide the right resources. More than half (56%) of employees surveyed by LinkedIn say that they would spend more time learning if their manager directed them to complete a specific course to gain or improve their skills. Many of your leaders may be left wondering where to turn to learn more and develop their skills. Give them the right resources.
  4. Challenge them with real situations. Many learn by doing – give them that chance. This not only gives your leaders time for developing their skills, but can help take some things off your plate as well. 
  5. Give them feedback. Don’t leave your leaders on an island. Let them know where they stand and how they’re doing in their development. 

When you spot those leaders worth following within your company, you don’t want to lose them. Start the conversations early – before they come to you. Make it clear you want them there and come up with a plan that works for everyone involved.