How To Resign in a Professional Manner
Most likely you have hired people who were working for another company. As executive search consultants, Handler & Associates works closely with candidates that have been offered a job by one of our clients. One of the most important elements of facilitating a newly hired candidate is guiding them through the resignation from their existing employer. We make sure the person knows that a resignation is just that, a resignation . . . . “the act of informing your current employer of your decision to be employed elsewhere.”
The purpose of the resignation is to inform, not to discuss. In fact, the less discussion, the better. This is usually not something people enjoy, so the quicker and easier the better. Discussions about your future with your current employer should have taken place long before your resignation. Likewise, discussions regarding shortcomings of your current employer are subjects which should have been addressed long before the final “adios” is given. You see, a resignation is just that, your final . . . good-bye. You want to make it quick, professional and painless.