Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

How to Use an Interview as a Competitive Advantage

Hiring top talent and leaders worth following has never been more intense. Lack of preparation and thought is the biggest mistake that we’ve seen when it comes to interviewing. Even just spending time thinking through your goals can be a huge win. You have to be in the right mindset.

For many leaders interviewing is not a consistent activity. We could all use a refresher. Sometimes you’ll do 10 interviews in one month and then you won’t interview again for 3-4 months. You can get out of practice quickly. It’s time to get back into best practices.

In this edition of The Handler Report, we look at what it takes to have a successful interview, especially with top executives. We’ll share 4 things we think you really need to know (from a recruiter’s perspective) as well as common mistakes we see and what you should do instead. Our hope is that you’ll use this report as a quick refresher each time you prepare to recruit or interview a great candidate.