Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Hybrid Workplace Pros and Cons

Coming out of the pandemic, the way we are all working has certainly changed. After working from home for a long time, some are starting to return to the office, but not all. Many companies, especially those like Apple and Google, are moving to a hybrid workplace model, giving their employees flexibility. The hybrid workplace model can look different for everyone but is essentially a combination of remote work and office work.

In a 2020 SurveyMonkey study, employees who worked remotely reported feeling happier than their colleagues who remained working in the office. But for some, fully remote work isn’t the best option. A hybrid workplace is the next best option, keeping both employees and leaders happy.

An Envoy survey found that 48% of people want their employers to consider the hybrid workplace model, and 41% said they would find another job if their company did not offer a hybrid model.

No hybrid workplace model looks the same. It can vary from:

  • All employees come to the office 2-3 days per week, but the office is closed all other days
  • All employees required to come to the office one day, but have the option to come any other day
  • Giving full flexibility to employees to choose when they want to come in the office

And more.

As you’re determining if a hybrid workplace is the best option for your company, view the pros and cons below.

Pros of a hybrid workplace:

  • Flexibility for employees. They can choose when and where they work, doing what’s best for them and their lifestyle. In turn, this means happier employees that have options and are loyal to a company.
  • Increased productivity. Many studies have shown that employees are more productive when they have that flexibility and can work when and where they want.
  • Lower costs for employers. If your office isn’t open all 5 days of the week, you’re saving money.
  • Larger hiring pool. A hybrid model allows you to potentially search outside of your area when hiring.

Cons of a hybrid workplace:

  • You lose out on team building. You lose the social aspect of an office and the chance to do team-building activities.
  • Increase in reliance on technology. When your employees are in all different areas, you have to have reliable technology to communicate and work together.
  • Communication is key. Allowing employees to choose when they work requires more communication and processes to keep up with the work. 

The hybrid workplace model seems to be the best of both worlds but is not going to be for everyone. There is no right answer here and you have to see what works best for your company culture and people.