Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Is Private Label Recruitment Right For You?

Is Talent Acquisition Your Strategic Advantage?

We recently completed some executive search projects for a client, and it was a good experience for them, the candidates, and Handler.

In the process, we developed a partnership – and a true friendship.

At one point, the client expressed how stressed he felt about talent acquisition nationwide for his company. There were some unique nuances to the company’s needs, and hiring managers were getting frustrated due to the lack of qualified talent. Turnover was high – nearly 25 percent. Critical positions went unfilled for months, creating overwork and missed goals. He was losing sleep over it.

We brainstormed the situation together, and that’s how TalentHandler, our private label recruitment service, began over 2 years ago.

We’re happy to report our client and his HR staff have been sleeping well ever since!

So, we have one question for you, “Is Private Label Recruitment right for you?” Click here to find out.

Click here for a 90 second video and see if you relate to Donna’s predicament. Click here to watch the client tell the story in his own words.