Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Jumpstart COVID-Cautious Hiring with our 3-Question Reset

Leaders who adapted to remote hiring swiftly are winning top talent and gaining ground. Companies who paused hiring because of COVID are now scrambling to reset and restart.

Handler’s filter for right-fit remote hiring can help you fast-forward your talent agenda and end this year on target – or, absent a new target, with right-fit leaders capable of navigating whatever else 2020 may have in store.

Our filter consists of three questions to inform new hire recruitment:

   1. Geography – How is the location of the role going to affect this hire? Does it matter? Are we comfortable hiring over video yet?
   2. Virtual or In-person – Can a new leader be successful virtually in their first 90 days? What needs to happen to ensure this success?
   3. Business Shift – Do we require new skills and capabilities in this position that we didn’t need pre-COVID? If so, what are they?

Handler has applied right-fit hiring principles to the digital world with great results and fewer days-to-hire.

In some cases, our clients are hiring key leaders without ever meeting them in person, which means the ability to skillfully conduct video interviews can’t be overstated. In our next installment, we’ll offer tips to help you perfect your virtual interview skills.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCE: Click to hear Managing Partner Eric Handler expand on using the filter to rethink right-fit recruitment.