Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Launching a New Handler

We are proud of our firm’s 40+ year history and honor the Handler logo we’ve used since its 1977 founding. Today, we officially introduce the new Handler brand to the world, which we believe better reflects our culture and what makes us unique.

As we went through the process of branding, we wanted to ensure we had a brand reflective of our values and what truly makes us Handler. Our core values – Excellence, Accountability, Enthusiasm, and Partnership – can be found in every single person that works with us (from our team to our clients to the candidates we place). They played a major role in choosing a new logo, new colors, and an entirely new brand.

Our new logo mark is truly authentic to who we are as a company. The mission of Handler is embodied in the hunting dog – the animal most well-known for its incredible ability to respond. It is the perfect companion for life’s journey. The pointer was chosen because it’s a southern breed, giving a nod back to our Atlanta headquarters.

Handler gold dog logo mark

We deliver leaders worth following. 

We focus on relationships and make the hiring process personal. 

We take the time to get to know our clients and truly want to help you succeed.

What makes Handler unique is our ability to find the difference makers in the Atlanta marketplace that execute vision and drive success.

Every single client and candidate we’ve ever worked with played a role in this new brand launch. You all embody what truly makes us Handler. We’re excited to launch this new Handler brand with a new website today and can’t wait to see what the future holds.