Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Maintaining Your Professional Network

What every executive should know about growing and maintaining their network.

When things get busy, networking activities are often the first to get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. The irony here is that’s the first place we all turn for help. You might think that you know all there is to know about growing and maintaining your connections. But are you engaging in the right high-value activities on a regular basis?

“A healthy network is built on an equal exchange of helping and being helped.”

If you aren’t putting much effort into growing your network and nurturing strategic relationships, then it might not be as healthy as you might think.  For us, the time we have invested growing our professional network has directly translated to the efficiency of the services and the quality of the candidates we are able to present our clients.  As a friend of the firm I’d like to share some tips that you can use to grow your network.