Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Post Pandemic: Don’t Let Your Leaders Leave!

One of the greatest gifts Leaders Worth Following exhibit is a natural ability to nurture a culture that attracts – and retains – Top Talent. Meanwhile, who’s ensuring your organization retains them?

Executives are not immune to the current marketplace upheaval in the wake of the pandemic. In fact, research shows employees, in general, are undeterred by the pandemic, with 80 percent – more than ever – being open to new opportunities. In addition, 60 percent of executives even pre-pandemic are unsatisfied with their own development opportunities, says this Deloitte/MIT study.

Here are the top three reasons leaders leave, along with ideas for stay conversations to ensure your Leaders Worth Following stick with your organization.

  1. Leaders leave when they can no longer do what they do best. We at Handler call it our unique ability. Ask Leaders Worth Following what percentage of their work week they spend doing what they love – and ask if it has changed since they accepted the role.
  2. Leaders leave to address personal well being or work-life balance. It’s easy to assume that Leaders Worth Following have their personal lives under control, which is a mistaken notion. Ask Leaders Worth Following to rate their total happiness, and what levers would increase it.
  3. Greater brand recognition and/or money. Leaders Worth Following always have financial and career goals. Ask them to rate their career satisfaction and to list the factors that influence it, including the company’s brand recognition, then identify actionable items.

Conversations to understand what leaders need to remain engaged are worth having, and following through on actionable items is certain to reduce the risk of losing a strong Leader Worth Following.

Additional Resource: Click here to watch a 1:43-minute video “The 5 Most Effective Stay Interview Questions.”