Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Today’s Most Urgent Question

How Can We Help You?

This is the question we were recently asked by a business partner when confronted with a decision.  We had to pause and think, after all, we don’t get asked that question every day.

No doubt, these last few weeks have forced us all into a unique and new reality. Much has already been written about this pandemic, so let’s get to the point of my message: How can we help you? 

No really, please pause for a moment and think about this question because maybe there is an answer. We have a strong desire to help our community and network and if you’ve gotten this far in the email, then obviously you care as well. These are challenging times and we want to serve you the best we can.

If you don’t know the answer right away, don’t worry. When our business partner asked us, we didn’t know either. In case you have an answer for us now or later, please call us at 770.805.5000.  The Handler Team wants to help!

In the meantime, here are a few things that may be helpful to your company or others in your network: 

1. Complimentary Access to CareerHandler – A job search training program with a companion workbook and video series providing step-by-step instructions for anyone in an active job search. Email Handler: Here

2. Atlanta Jobseekers – Our nonprofit that is now meeting virtually every Friday morning from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. to support Atlantans in their job search. Here’s the Zoom link:  Atlanta Jobseekers

3. COVID-19 Leadership Discussion – Handler conducted a virtual discussion with Atlanta business leaders that provided inspiration and information and can be viewed on our YouTube channel: Leadership Discussion

4. Virtual Strategic Planning Session – On March 31st, Handler conducted our quarterly strategic planning session. This is a 3-minute video describing how we structured this virtual meeting and lessons we learned: Virtual Planning – Lessons Learned

Please let us know how we can help you as we look forward to brighter days ahead.