Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Try this One Thing Today To Be a Better Leader

Your day starts with back to back meetings and big decisions. You get off one call to hop on the next or you have a ten-minute breather before the next Zoom.  

What do you do? Check email? Return a voicemail or text message? Run and grab something to eat since you haven’t had lunch? How are you nurturing your Leadership Mindset with the chaos of this crisis before you start your next meeting? 

Today, when you are given the gift of an extra couple minutes, perhaps you should hit the pause button with this question. What or Who am I “Grateful” for that relates specifically to this next meeting? And then, write down your answers before the meeting starts. 

Click here to watch Managing Partner Eric Handler share his perspective on a positive leadership mindset.  

You already have the wisdom, knowledge, and experience as a leader, but what would happen if you approached this meeting with an intentional mindset of gratitude?

  • You would think about others first.  
  • You would listen first and speak last.  
  • You would encourage and motivate rather than control.  

It’s a choice. We believe a starting point of gratitude will ground you with the leadership mindset to be a leader worth following today. And lastly, don’t forget to grab lunch! 

If you missed our A Word of Encouragement video, click here to view.