Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Strong Brand = Strong Career? Personal Branding Part 2 of 2.

A positive personal brand supports a successful career and strong brand loyalty. We started this discussion last month, in Personal Branding Part 1.

Good branding is defined by marketing expert John Jantsch as, “the art of becoming knowable, likable and trustable.”

A negative or declining personal brand can stall your career, whereas a positive and increasing brand can accelerate it. To be an effective leader, it is essential that you know your brand and consistently leverage it to the benefit of your company and others around you.

We have partnered with thousands of mid-sized and Fortune 500 companies seeking to hire their next great leader, and have witnessed firsthand the impressions candidates make on these potential employers. 

Consider the personal brands you’ve encountered in the marketplace, and how hard each worked to project their brands. Maybe you’ve worked with some of these common personal brands:

        The Truth-Stretcher        The Thought Leader
    The Transparency Lacker The Calm-Under-Fire Leader
            The Intimidator The I-Have-Your-Back Leader
      The Blamer-Complainer  The Positive Attitude Leader
 The ‘Yes’ Sayer & Nothing Doer  The Go-the-Extra-Mile Leader
           The Back-Stabber        The Visionary Leader
           The Micromanager       The Innovative Leader

Perhaps you see your own brand in the list on the right. If not, take some time to reflect and come up with three to five words that summarize your personal brand – your tagline, if you will. For example: Jane Smith, Pursuer of Excellence.

When you begin to intentionally shape and refine your personal brand, you become a better leader. Through consistent delivery of your personal brand in words and actions, others will come to know you, like you and trust you. When you understand your brand, you can seek a workplace that shares your values. A good match between your personal brand and the corporate brand will empower you to have a greater positive impact and higher job satisfaction. 

Now that’s a story worth telling.

Additional Resource: Click here for a Fast Company article, Why Personal Branding is Essential to Career Success.

For nearly four decades, Handler & Associates has partnered with clients to deliver high-quality, challenge-ready executive leaders.